Coming to the end of the semester and students are freaking out

We are coming to the end of the semester, and students are freaking out. Many have waited to the last minute to work on their papers. Last Wednesday, a student came to the reference desk around 3:00pm, and their paper was due at 6:00pm! I printed out some scholarly journal articles, New York Time articles, and gave her the call numbers of a few books. My work was done at that point, or at least you think it is done. Today at least 4 or 5 students have come to me with printer problems. They cannot print their paper and it is due now or in a couple of hours.

Some students are just stressed out because of the requirements the professor has set. They feel it is ridiculous. They tried and that should be enough. Well, you know the requirements, and the professor’s expectations. All you can do is what your professor has asked. Don’t complain, just do it. Also, I explain if they want to transfer to a 4-year college they will be prepared. It will pay off in the long run.

These students seem to be some of the most prepared, and understand how to do research. I know it is because the professor makes the students do library exercises, and use the library for all their assignments. I am so happy these students are challenged.

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